Senior living: How to downsize with ease

Looking to downsize? Ensure a seamless transition with these tips

Have your children all flown the nest? Do you have more space than you need? Or are the costs of upkeeping a larger home too much? Our housing needs often change as we go through life. For many seniors, downsizing their home can be a practical decision — but also an emotional one.

If you’re feeling excited or even overwhelmed, here are some tips to help you embark on this next chapter of your life.

Start decluttering early

Downsizing can be a daunting task. But starting the downsizing process well in advance will help you feel less overwhelmed, even if you’ve only just begun to think about it. Give yourself plenty of time to go through your belongings, considering the size of your home.
Declutter strategically by starting small, with a closet or a drawer. Create three piles: keep, donate and toss. You might also want to create a pile of items to give to family members. It can be difficult going through your personal items and the surrounding memories. But knowing it’s going to a family member can make it easier to part with.

Seek help and support

If the thought of downsizing is still too overwhelming, professional organizers can help you efficiently sort and organize your belongings. Their objectivity can help make the tough decisions of choosing what to keep easier. Not only do they connect you with third-party services like movers and charities, they also provide you the emotional support you need.

If you’re not looking for the support of a professional organizer, reaching out to your friends and family are great options too! It’s important that you discuss your plans with any family members or friends that might be affected by your decision, and ensure everyone is in agreement with your plans.

Moving day is slowly approaching? Here’s everything you need to know to prepare you for your new home.

Embrace the change

Downsizing can be an emotional process. You may have lived in the same home for decades! Allow yourself the time to reminisce and say goodbye to your current home.

Focus on the benefits that you’ll get from downsizing like reduced maintenance, lower utility costs and a simplified lifestyle. Embrace the opportunity to explore new hobbies, connect with friends, travel and enjoy a new community. Prioritize building a new social circle if you moved away from your old one.

Make your new home yours

Once you’ve transitioned into your new home, it’s time to make the space yours! Familiarize the space with items and decorations that bring you joy.

Though the benefits of downsizing can be appealing for some retirees, it’s still a difficult and major life change and can cause feelings of anxiety and fear. By taking a slow, thoughtful approach, you can navigate this transition with confidence and ease.

July 2, 2024

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